
County Stakeholders

Empowering Kilifi Together: Nurturing Growth, Building Sustainable Futures

County Stakeholders

Stakeholder Role
Cabinet office Ensure quality and timely approval of policies
CDF/CDTF Construction, rehabilitation, equipping of facilities in the county
Religious leaders Participate in decision making
Civil Society Organizations
  • Creation of awarenes on rights and privileges of the public Management and promotion of good governance through advocacy of the rights of the minority and farmers . Management and promotion of good governance.
  • Support the sector through hand washing in educational
  • facilities , provision of equipment, water facilities , cons truction of facilities , and watchdog for quality service delivery and supporting the school feeding programme.
  • Drilling of water points , toilets , Establishment of biogas units , mobilization of the community.
  • Civic education Orphans upport; Extension service and micro finance
Community members
  • Utilize infrastructural facilities , Provision of skilled/ unskilled
  • labour; Identify facilities to be repaired/ rehabilitated.
  • Participate in decision making on issues affecting the sector and provide factors of production for use by the sector
  • Care and provide for the sick; Provide land to construct facilities ; Actively support the community strategies through active participation;
  • To actively participate in and contribute to the provision of
  • facilities through costs haring;
  • Community policing, collaboration with security agents ;
  • Active participation in prioritization of projects and provide information on corruption;
  • Engage in farming, production of food crops, conservation of
  • hill tops, provision of labour to be used in the sector and the management of private tree nurseries and on farm tree planting.
  • Construction of toilets and spring protection.
Development Committees Mains treaming gender, youth, physically challenged and other dis advantaged groups issues into development programmes
Directorate of e-GOK Facilitating provision of E-GOK services , email, web-enabled services
Donors Inject new resources in form of credit, grants and material support.
Farmers ‟Organizations ; SACCOs Extension services and community mobilization.
Finance Ins titutions Avail credit; create awareness
Government Minis tries /Departments Policy formulation, guidance, service provision and enforcement of rules and regulations
Kenya Diary Board Regulation of milk marketing
Kenya National Bureau of Statis tics (KNBS) Collection and dissemination of consumable data for planning purposes
Infrastructures ector Maintain unclassified roads , Put up new river crossings Open new roads . To promote the growth of ICT through faster licensing of outlets; Provide grants for school infrastructure development Ensure adequate environmental sanitation.
Maendeleo ya Wanawake Advocate for the right of women and the girl child
Kenya Nut Growers As sociation, farmers associations Provides farmers development strategies , education, food crop farming and purchase of farm inputs .
Kilifi Nuts factory Provides market directly and indirectly to small number of nut farmers ; Creates employment
National Aids Control Council (NACC). Provide policy guidance on halting and the reversing thespread of HIV/AIDS; Support OVCs and People Living with HIV/AIDS
National Council for Pers ons with Dis ability Enhance capacity of disabled person’s organizations , institutions and individuals ; Support educational institutions for physically challenged
National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA). Environmental audit (EIAs ).
Parliament Formulation and passage of sector laws & policies , provision of conducive legal environment
Private Sector Partners in service provision; Employment creation; Promotion of private enterprises and competition and supplement government effort through PPP; Formulation of priorities .
Kenya Red Cross Distribution of relief foods and of medical supplies during emergencies and capacity building on disaster management
Res earch Ins titutions (KARI, ICIPE, KESREF etc.) Lives tock and crop research
Trade Unions Promotion of HR management & Development and welfare of works
The National Government Policy guidance, formulation of conducive laws and training on managements kills , enforcement of laws , dispensation of justice, conducting of elections , provision of travel documents and certificates .
Tourists Promote investment in conservation of tourist attraction areas /sites
Transport Service Providers Provide public transport services to all stakeholders
Non state actors Supplement government efforts in the development